hari hahad yg digunekan i utk melangsaikan utang2 n3 yg tak sompek nak share ngan uols n jugek utang2 tagged dari Lalinggg.. so harap uols enjoysss!! kumpol byk2 buat lumsum lagi senang kan?? ngeh3.. ini contoh org malas sbenaunye..
hari hahad yg digunekan i utk melangsaikan utang2 n3 yg tak sompek nak share ngan uols n jugek utang2 tagged dari Lalinggg.. so harap uols enjoysss!! kumpol byk2 buat lumsum lagi senang kan?? ngeh3.. ini contoh org malas sbenaunye..
What cloth you wearing now?
bermuda + tshirt
What colour is it?
blue wif munge2 bermuda + red tshirt
When your last meet with someone you love?
few minutes ago
Do you want to meet him/her again?
What the last thing you eat?
nasi wif kurma ayam
nescafe tarik (tak shedap!!) + coke
Favourite food?
cantonese fried bee hoon
Favourite drinks?
nescafe buatan sendirik
Favourite colours?
blue + black + white
Favourite place to be?
my messy room
Favourite song?
currently, Entah by Afgan + Terlanjur Cinta by Pansha/Rossa
Are you happy with your given name?
What is the one thing you like to do alone?
berangan atas katil sambil golek2
What’s a major fear or yours?
Allah SWT
Do you know anyone famous?
erm.. ya!!
Describe your bed.
'messy' queen bed
What do you carry with you at all times?
roxy purse + hp
Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?
What kind of first impression do you think you give people?
shy2 cat.. ngeh3
Favorite communication method?
What is your hidden talent?
acting.. hahaha
Do you own a Bible?
choiiii.. i am Muslim la!!
Do you have a problem changing clothes in front of friends?
yup.. segan dowh!!
What should you be doing instead of this?
Who was the last person who called you?
mySis Kataya
Are you ready?
ready.. set.. go!!
What is the last gift you gave someone?
lupe oredi
Does everything happen for a reason?
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
of coz lah!!
Have you ever pierced your own body part or that of someone else?
yup.. my left ear!
Do you cry in front of your friends?
never but dalam hati penah la (ayo mate begenang je mase tue!)
Would you die to save the life of someone you dearly love?
absolutely YES!!
Do you have any married friends?
most of myFrens r married
Do you like thunderstorms?
nope!! takotttttttt
What was your first job?
HR clerk
What’s the strangest thing that’s happened to you in the past week?
You have a crush, don’t you?
hehehe.. ade kot
Do you talk a lot?
ya.. wif my close frens n family
Who was the last person you talked to in person?
my'mengong' Lil sis
What are your plans for the weekend?
lepaking kat umah
How much money would it take for you to give up the internet for a year?
a year?! ntah
Where’s your ideal marriage location?
myParents place
How long have you known your best friends?
since she's been working at the same place wif me
What are you listening to?
hotFM lebih hangat dari biase
What was the last thing you laughed at?
lawak by myAbah
What do you wish you were doing right now?
What musical instrument do you wish you could play?
drum perhaps
If you could speak any language, which language would you speak?
People I would like to tag?
sape2 jer yg bace or terbace n3 nie
p/s: sori kaler agak menyakitkan mate anda!! hehe